About Reconnect

Reconnect assists participants to overcome barriers to engaging in education, training and employment and provides wrap-around support for participants to pursue their goals and pathways. Reconnect is funded by the Department of Jobs Skills Industry and Regions (DJSIR) and provides up to 18 months support to eligible adults and youth.




  • Identify client support needs
    and barriers to engagement
  • Identify personal interests
  • Build upon individual
    strengths, experience, skills
    and knowledge
  • Provide supported referrals
    to services and programs
  • Identify personal interests
  • Support in building
    confidence and capacity to
    access services and
    programs independently
  • Identify personal interests
  • Facilitate opportunities for
    community participation
  • Identify education and
    training goals
  • Identify appropriate
    learning opportunities
  • Facilitate participation in
    education and training:
    including short courses,
    vocational certificates or
    other qualifications
  • Link into student support
    services as required
  • Identify employment
    needs and goals
  • Facilitate connection with
    employment and career
    pathways services
  • Support transition into
    appropriate pathways out of
    the Reconnect program into
    education, training or
  • Provide financial brokerage
    for amenities and course
    fees for governmentsubsidised courses
  • Provide financial support for PPE or other essential costs
    for commencing work
  • Support participant in their
    engagement in new
    education, training or
    employment opportunities.

Who is eligible?

  • Young people: A person aged between 17 to 19 years not engaged in education or training for six months or more (or engaging less than 8 hours per week). 
  • Mature age participant: A person aged between 20 to 64 years who has been unemployed (less than 8 hours per week) and has not engaged in education or training for six months or more (or engaging less than 8 hours per week). 
  • Youth Justice: A person aged between 17 to 24 years who has been or are currently subject to, Youth Justice Orders. 
  • Out of Home Care: A person aged 17 to 64 that has current or previous experience with Child Protection. 
  • Asylum Seekers:  A person without citizenship but holds a valid humanitarian, protection, or refugee visa in Australia OR has applied for a humanitarian, protection or refugee visa and holds a bridging visa for this purpose OR holds a bridging visa and has made an application under s.417 or s.48b of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), which is yet to be determined.
(Individuals must have a visa with study rights and work rights are required for programs that include work placement).
Contact: Laura Chapman 94212392  | 0432 653 873  |