Copyright 2025 Carringbush Adult Education Inc. TOID 3671 ABN 82649196812
Please contact our office for referrals into any of the following programs on (03) 94212392 or
Bi-Cultural Playgroup – This program is delivered in partnership with City of Yarra’s Family, Youth and Children’s Services, collaborating with bi-lingual staff members to deliver a family literacy focused program that incorporates English language and literacy development elements. This program is currently tailored to Vietnamese speaking parents and caregivers but has scope to expand to serve other language and cultural groups in the future.
Collingwood Mothers Coffee Catch-up – This group originally started as a Sing Say Share Play group that met weekly to build family literacy skills and has moved into a monthly catch up where mothers can connect, access supports and referrals to services they need.
Carringbush is keen to support your community of parents and children in Yarra through various workshops and family learning programs.
Carringbush aims to deliver programs that simultaneously develop the parents or caregivers and their children’s skills and knowledge in an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of the whole family.
Empowering Parents: Holistic capacity building through co-design
Co-designed group workshops, short courses and information sessions on a broad range of topics relating to parenting, family literacy, health and wellbeing and employment pathways support for CALD parents. This program supports parents to overcome barriers to participation and offers flexible, family-friendly modes of delivery. Delivered in partnership with a range of local services and funded by the Victorian Department of Education and Training.
Carringbush held two workshops for CALD mothers and children to co-design and create children’s books relevant to the needs, interests, cultures and languages of residents of the housing estates in the City of Yarra. These projects particularly focus on ‘silent books’ for parents who are not literate in any language, and bilingual books in community languages. This was a partnership with Kids’ Own Publishing.
‘Bridging the Divide – Navigating Early Childhood Education for Newly Arrived Refugee Families’. Collaboration with Dr Anne Keary, Faculty of Education at Monash University, to co-facilitate consultation with 11 Oromo, Arabic and Tigrinya speakers in focus groups in the City of Yarra.
Please contact our Community Development Manger via the office for any project queriers or referrals.
03 9421 2392. or
Copyright 2025 Carringbush Adult Education Inc. TOID 3671 ABN 82649196812