Author, Year, Title | Partner | Description | Download |
Waterhouse, P., Corrigan, M.(2025) ‘Building Digital Resilience in Migrant and Refugee Communities’ | Monash University | Chapter co-authored by Peter Waterhouse and Carringbush CEO Margaret Corrigan. Discusses Carringbush’s journey to implementing a digital skills program from a leadership perspective. Available March 18, 2025. | |
Tucker, E. (2024) Building Digital Resilience Through Effective Instructional Strategies | Victorian Skills Authority, International Specialized Skills Institute | Report from an International VET practitioner fellowship. Explores best-practice innovative strategies and digital skills for beginner learners. | |
Tour, E., Creely, E., Waterhouse, P., Pham, X., Henderson, M., and Wallace, M. (2023) ‘Navigating Challenging Digital Literacy Practices’ | Monash University | Qualitative case study of how 30 migrant and refugee students navigate digital literacy practices in relation to settlement in Australia. | |
Tour, E., Creely, E., Waterhouse, P. (2022) Enhancing Digital Literacies | Monash University | Six-month study of Carringbush’s digital literacy learning programs. Provides insights into how digital literacies can be integrated into learning programs. | |
Commonwealth of Australia (2021) AMEP Digital Literacies Guide and Framework | LWA, Monash University | A practical resource designed to promote and support digital skills teaching in adult EAL contexts. | |
Commonwealth of Australia (2021) AMEP Digital Literacies Guide and Framework: Teaching Resources | LWA, Monash University | Lesson plans, videos, and resources to accompany AMEP Digital Literacies Guide and Framework. Includes resources designed by Carringbush teachers. | |
Nunan. D., Black, H., Choi, J. (2019) Teacher empowerment through action research | Melbourne University | A short study in using action research to shift classroom dynamics and create a student-centered approach to learning. | |
Corrigan, M (2017) Improving Student Outcomes in the VET Sector | Victorian Skills Authority, International Specialized Skills Institute | Report from an International VET Practitioner Fellowship on evidence-based professional development approaches for teachers. | |
Keenan, E., (2015) Best practice in pronunciation teaching and learning | Victorian Skills Authority, International Specialized Skills Institute | Report from an International VET Practitioner fellowship on evidenced-based pronunciation teaching. | |