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Carringbush is an approved provider of training under the Victorian Training Guarantee Program and is obligated to levy and collect tuition fees.

Tuition Fees payable by students enrolled in Victorian Government subsidised training:

*The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. The concession fee is calculated at 20% of the standard hourly fee.

Eligibility for Concession

For enrolments in courses at the Certificate IV level and below, the RTO must charge the concession fee to an individual who, prior to the commencement of training, holds a current and valid:

o   Commonwealth Health Care Card

o   Pensioner Concession Card

o   Veteran’s Gold Card

The concessions also apply to a dependent spouse or dependent child of a card holder.

Carringbush is required to sight the current relevant concession card.


Students are eligible for a refund under the following circumstances

o  The course is cancelled by Carringbush

o  A student withdraws prior to commencement of training.

o  At the discretion of Carringbush in response to a student’s individual circumstance

Ineligible Students

Students who are ineligible for Victorian Government subsidised training are able to participate in non- accredited classes. The fees for these classes are $300.00 per term.

Carringbush Online Service Standards

Carringbush offers a range of programs that can be delivered party or wholly online. We are committed to providing a quality learning experience for students studying online and these online service standards explain our commitment to you in key areas.


Carringbush will provide the following support to students studying any aspect of their program online:

• Skills First Teachers available for queries about learning and assessment by phone, email and online chat between 9:00pm and 4:00pm on class days for the duration of the program

• Teachers will reply to queries within 24 hours and return assessments to students within 7 days.

• There will be a maximum of 20 students to each trainer/assessor for each program.


• Available by phone and email between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

• Will reply to queries within 48 hours.

• Available via phone, email and online chat between 10:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday

• Will reply to queries within 48 hours.


• RASS (Referral and Support Service available by appointment between 9:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday, in person or via video conference.

• Richmond Library at 415 Church St is available to online students and is open between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday and between 9:00am and 1:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. Online library is also available (check website for latest opening hours)


Carringbush conducts a comprehensive Pre-Training Review for all prospective students to determine whether a program is suitable and appropriate for their individual needs. This includes an assessment of your digital literacy by:

• Asking you to do a self-assessment quiz

• Discussing the quiz outcomes and making recommendations about whether the program is suitable for you and identifying additional support where required.

Carringbush uses a learning management system (LMS) for online program delivery. The following are the minimum information technology requirements to enable optimal access to the LMS:

• A device with a minimum of 8GB memory and 1.5Ghz processor

• Microsoft Windows 8 and above or Mac OS version 10 and above

Web-based content is available on hand-held devices including mobile phones and tablets.

Your teacher and/or a digital mentor will assist you with accessing the Carringbush LMS Moodle


Carringbush ensures that learning materials used in online training are interactive and are presented in a variety of formats, including:

  • Guided content
  • Graphics
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Interaction through discussion forums and webinars.

Carringbush is working in collaboration with Australian Catholic University to ensure that the principles of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are applied to our learning materials by ensuring that they are: perceivable, operable, understandable and robust.

Induction for New Students

All prospective students will take part in a pre-training review to ascertain suitability for training and to establish the most appropriate course for them. During this review, any barriers to full participation will be discussed and a support plan developed to suit the individual. At the time of enrolment, students will be provided with a student handbook, which includes information relevant to their particular course, their rights and responsibilities and to the services available to them as students of Carringbush Adult Education.

If a student is absent for more than two weeks without explanation, they may be withdrawn. This may impact on Centrelink benefits.